For Easter we visited my grandmother Antonina and grandfather Vasiliy who is certainly the great-grandmother and great-grandfather for my Artem, Lena and Robert.
In last time we not often gather together ... And this visit was long-awaited.
My grandmother Antonina with my children Elena and Arteom
Yes, March is the most rich month of birthdays in family.
The Birthday of my mum is 15 of March, nieces Elivira is 19, sisters Natasha is 21, cousins Diana is 25.
And certainly I want to congratulate and to visit all of them .
I with Robert went to mum to congratulate her Happy birthday.
As soon as we left the house, has begun a blizzard ...
Also it was necessary urgently to take a taxi ...
As it is not strange, the winter this year does not wish to leave...
Here such landscape near our house !!!
Robert/17 months/ for a long time did not see the grandmother and at first was afraid to go to her... But he got accustomed and became the centre of attention of our small company.
Arteom /12 years old/ and Robert are not big friends, but they can find common language.
Republic of Belurus is divided in to six regions.
We live in the Mogilev region.
The Mogilev region is situated in the eastern part of Belarus. Mogilev is our native town. The population is about 400 000 people.
Mogilev has the richest historical heritage from all byelorussian towns.
And if you have become interested in a history of town take five minutes to go -
"Я, вообще, целью своего творчества и в кино и в театре , и в песне - ставлю человеческое волнение.
Только оно может помочь духовному совершенствованию"
"Дружба - это не значит каждый день друг другу звонить, здороваться и занимать рубли ...
Это просто желание узнавать друг о друге, что-то слышать и довольствоваться хотя бы тем, что вот мой друг здоров, и пускай еще здравствует"
Баллада о любви